Monday, 15 October 2012


The resent heavy rain and subsequent flooding  ( possibly something to do with Gravitational perturbations arising from the incident with the Recombobulator) have made scavenging for goodies increasingly more hazardous. However, BR and the Proff. diligently trudged miles in search of the raw materials for the workshop screams.Hence...

 Another treasure trove of raw materials freshly gleaned from valuable resource that is the local car boot sale(at least three of them, if truth be told)These bits of old jewellery will enable the diligent producer of steam powered miniature gadgetry that is I, to disguise these powerful little devices in my usual manner. This will amplify their effectiveness over short range and render them practically invisible at longer distances.

This old power drill, on giving up it internal parts, will provide the body for another device of great importance to the well being of the Empire and its citizens and lots of other good things too!
This is a good thing. It will need protecting from stuff so a weapon will have to be produced, or a detector of bad things, or perhaps a who knows what. That would definitely improve the neighbourhood and render bad things inadequate in their attempts.
Dobbie, the motorised translocation unit of boxlike mien(my van) needed quite drastic surgery to his front suspension. this invoked the need for professional assistance. A further drain on limited resources, compounded by the compulsion to produce rubber stamps of ones Sketches and doodles. A process which also required the assistance of professionals and the parting with of monetary resources.
Since recently being selected for the York Open Studios 2013, the workshop beckons, if only to tidy up and light a fire. No, there is much work to be done, devices of power and utility to produce. Steam, Smoke and the need for metal polish... to the Forgery    

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