Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Panic, Paliative or productivity?

After the wonderful first weekend of Open Studios... Where I was able to clarify what I am trying to achieve ...to myself, at least,If not to all the wonderful visitors who not only braved the entry to Area 61 but used coded phrases like  'what on earth is steampunk' in order to set my cogs whirring and produce many Timeslip moments and sent me into the mode of panic which only creativity can calm... that and a large heap of raw material. 

It nearly always gets messy before anything productive happens ...but things are starting to take shape... 
Like this the Fourth Brigade Temporal Timeslip Corps, Empire Cross, for future bravery and longstanding retrospective service and causal effectiveness... probably....
More medals and general neckwear did come out of this productive period, but, due to digital camera download problems, caused mostly by one of my digits pressing a button marked delete, the pictorial evidence of their existence is, for the moment, unavailable.
sorry I think that picture was twisted in a temporal rift, probably started by all the waving around of weapons of undetermined action that has been going on around Area 61 during my demonstrations of the fully automatic nature of these weapons.
 Time to get ready for another session of Open Studios:
 Another great weekend, with around 125 visitors and another two sales of Finger Functionality Rings involving the clandestine machinations of Beth, Ben and the unknown flatmate... smoke, mirrors and coded messages passed by aether mail.... Happiness ensued and no one noticed ... much.
 Brokencross Finger Functionality devices have started to travel out into the Empire on their own, without the Professor or myself to guide them ... I know only good can come of this, but it still makes me wonder what they will get up to with  their new owners...
 Thankyou to everyone who came to Area 61 for York Open Studios 2013, your identities will remain secret...You made it so interesting for us... I hope all the stories I told, about Dickens' desk,the use of chainsaws in the crafting of library cupboards and the production of many 'original ' Victorian features were not too dull.
 I particularly enjoyed the large number of people who seemed to enjoy the Holistic approach Area 61 aspires to and the Artefactory is soon to start delivering.
 It promises to be a busy year for us all... I have just built the new tables for Artefacts new teaching studio... installed just in time for Alices' birthday meal and Studio warming event on Thursday.
 Future events and open days that are not top secret... will become obvious when the Artefact button at the top of the page is used.Hope to see you then.

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